Thursday, 8:06pm
Reno, NV
“Here come Johnny Yen again…” (Iggy Pop, “Lust For Life”)
Oh, my God!
They killed the sales letter again!
Will this horror never stop?
Actually, you can relax. Just like Kenny in South Park, the traditional sales letter is on some kind of perverse “Permanent Hit List”…
… where every marketer trying to claim he just invented a new fad stands astride the image of a quaking letter…
… and slays it.
Huzzah! Death to you, vile long-copy sales letter! Take that… and that…
… and that.
This latest round is clever as hell, too. The new trend is putting your sales letter in a video, and reading along with it.
The irony: The dude selling you the “Magic Box” product that kills the sales letter forever…
… uses a sales letter to do the killing.
Hey — don’t get me wrong. I love video. Been using it in marketing since… well, since it was actual videotape on reels. (Yeah, shocking, I know. We were so backward in the last century.)
In fact, the “Magic Box” product I’m talking about is, I’m guessing, an excellent solution for many marketers who can’t figure out how to make a video sales letter work.
And all’s fair in love, war and advertising. So all the dudes out there telling you the sales letter is dead, and you can sell without selling, and the Web has changed everything…Read more…
Monday, 3:29pm
Reno, NV
“You’re either on the bus, or off the bus…” (Ken Kesey)
Quick lesson here I thought you’d enjoy.
The phrase “there are two kinds of people” is used by comics, politicians, and just-plain-folks trying to set up a point with an easily-understood little story.
It’s an over-simplification, most of the time, of course. Life is too nuanced and complex to fit into just two tidy categories.
However, sometimes you can make a damn good argument behind the two-groups thing.
In selling, this is what we’ve called “the dichotomy of futures”…
… meaning, you can make two distinctly clear divisions:
1.) The “in” group, which is your target market…Read more…
Monday, 6:26pm
Reno, NV
“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.” (David Ogilvy, “Confessions of an Adman”)
This is important:
This past weekend, I posted something on this blog that hit a freakin’ nerve among the throngs of entrepreneurs, biz owners and rookies who hang out on this site.
Comments started flooding in…
… and, as usual, I interacted with folks.
I’m just been told (by trusted inner-circle colleagues) that one of my replies in the comment threads…
… was perhaps the most vivid and impassioned point I’ve ever made about the raw seething power of honest kick-ass salesmanship to change lives.
So, I want to share that reply, here in a fresh post.
Let me set the scene for you: People were trying to make sense of the massive piles of hype still being disgorged by the Internet marketing community…
… and how all that hype soured good people on good opportunities.
“Hype”, and the dreadful sales pitches filled with it, really confuses people. To the point where it’s now cool to talk about “selling without selling”.
It’s clear that many people now struggling to make a business successful…Read more…
Friday, 1:48pm
Reno, NV
“Bring me the sultry wench! That one, with the fire in her eyes!” (Trapper John, M*A*S*H)
One of the single most important lessons I learned early in my career…
… a lesson so critical to success that I can easily say it’s been worth a million schmackeroos to me…
… is something almost no one wants to hear about.
Like drowning men refusing an offered hand to be pulled into the boat… I’ve gotten used to seeing people stare back in horror and bolt out of the room when I’ve tried to impart this lesson to them.
Can you guess what I’m talking about?
Of course you can. I put it in the freakin’ headline.
If you’re not enjoying life… or not experiencing the kind of success you feel you deserve from all your hard work…Read more…
Friday, 3 a.m.
Reno, NV
“Is there gas in the car? Yeah, there’s gas in the car…” (Steely Dan, “Kid Charlemagne”)
… what are you doing up this early? Or late?
You need your beauty snooze, don’t you?
I know why I’m up, though.
It’s from excitement. I just cannot sleep.
Here’s why: Those of you in the loop know we’re launching the coaching program of the Simple Writing System again.
This is Number 7. We only offer this hand-holding, personalized, one-on-one mentoring rarely. The 6th one was all the way back in the Fall of last year. (They’ve all sold out, too, quick.)
No idea when Number 8 will come around… if it even does.
We take this one program at a time.
It’s extremely interactive. Perfect for anyone who knows that hands-on mentoring is the best way to learn the simplest possible system (crammed with short-cuts) for creating all the sales messages needed for a profitable business…
… including all your ads, websites, video scripts, emails, AdWords, blogs and other social media broadsides…Read more…
Thursday, 7:41pm
Reno, NV
“Please allow me to introduce myself…” (Stones, Sympathy For The Devil)
This is one of those lessons that arrived accidentally…
… and I had to stop and ruminate about it for a while before it made sense.
I’m lucky I learned it early, too.
It’s provided me with a home base of sanity when the chaos has reached shuddering crescendos and it was hard to think straight (let alone make snap decisions when crisis loomed).
You may find it obvious.
That’s fine. Just don’t go thinking it’s obvious to the rest of the mean ol’ world out there… cuz it ain’t.
Here’s the story: One of my first jobs working for Gary Halbert was to fly to Detroit… and interview a guy who’d just lost 750 pounds.
Yeah, you read that right.Read more…
Saturday, 9:59pm
Reno, NV
“Out on the edge of an empty highway, howling at the blood on the moon… ” (Grateful Dead, “The Pride of Cucamonga”)
Quick post tonight…
… just to let the conspiracy theorists know I’m still rattling around this mortal coil.
But it’s gotta be quick… because I’m heading off to celebrate Pop’s 90th birthday down in Cucamonga.
(Okay, okay… I know it’s now called “Rancho Cucamonga”, but they tacked on the rancho part long after I’d left town… and without my permission, too. Bastards.)
Anyway, it’s always a treat to head back down to that weird, wonderful, whacked-out dream-scape desert in the spooky foothills of Mount Baldy.
Things are different there, that’s for sure.Read more…
Monday, 2:33pm
San Diego, CA
“If you see my little red rooster, please send him home…” (Howling Wolf, master of innuendo)
I’m actually starting this blog in longhand, sitting in the Southwest terminal in San Diego…
… finally dragging my exhausted butt homeward after logging a full week here putting on the now-fabled Action Seminar.
It was a spectacular success, if you’re keeping score.
We directly challenged every seminar model out there… and delivered two frighteningly-on-target days of specific advice, techniques and life-transforming revelations.
Both the roomful of attendees, and the small army of Big Dog experts we assembled, loved the experience. If you’re following the social media threads of folks like James “Schrak” Schramko, Mary Ellen Tribby, Big Jason Henderson, the Halbert boys, Harlan Kilstein, Brian Johnson, Kevin Rogers, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, and the other stellar names who participated…
… then you’re already hip to how the event went.
Excellent buzz.
Shame on you for missing it.
I haven’t got a lot of time here, so I need to focus on what I wanted to share with you here in this post.
There was a ton of practical info for everyone’s “To Do List” at the seminar…
… but there was also a very intriguing element of spirituality, too.
I wasn’t planning to go down that road.
However… Read more…
Thursday, 11:03pm
Reno, NV
“Don’t let me be misunderstood.” (The Animals, #15 on Billboard, 1965)
Quick post tonight… cuz Conan’s second-to-last Tonight Show is on in a few.
(I’ve never been a die-hard fan of the dude, but these final shows should be history-making.) (I stopped watching late night talk back when Letterman abandoned his DaDa-esque 12:30 show for a boring earlier slot on CBS…)
As a lifelong wordsmith (that’s “writer” to you), I long ago learned to respect language.
It seemed a no-brainer to me. Language is our primary communication tool… and English just happens to be the most flexible and use-able one ever created. Unlike every other language out there, it inhales foreign words without problem, gives group-hugs to slang, and offers an amazing cornucopia of choices when you want to get your point across…Read more…
Friday, 8:52pm
Reno, NV
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing, because he could only do a little.” (Edmund Burke)
It’s hard to know how to help when horrible things happen far away.
Hell, it’s hard to get decent information… in spite of the 24/7 cable news channels. (I just saw a rerun of one show from earlier in the day — with no admission by the network that it even was a rerun — spreading several completely false rumors that had been debunked online when it ran the first time. I wish there was one freakin’ news source that would stop searching for the “human interest” story — or worse, grind some hack political point — and just report the goddamn facts.)
Okay, I’m an idiot for even dreaming that TV news could ever rise above sniveling mediocrity. Shame on me for wasting time trying to learn anything from the boob-tube.
In fact, I instinctively went online to get more info when news of the earthquake hit… Read more…