Monday, 3:22pm
Reno, NV
“All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain.” Bladerunner
There are just two ways to feel about restructuring your business.
You either hate the process, and fight it every step of the way…
… or…
… you embrace change and enjoy the thrill of entering new territory.
Not much middle ground, I’m afraid.
Me? I’m an “embrace” kinda dude.
Early in my career, I knew a big change was coming whenever I got too comfortable with the status quo.
This is a very different feeling than being lazy. I am fundamentally lazy, like a big ape sunning himself in a nice, cushy clear spot in the jungle.
However, I’m only “good” at being lazy for short bursts.
Then, for whatever reason, my body rebels against doing nothing… and craves action.
Lots and lots of hot and heavy action.
It’s actually a biological reaction. My brain starts foaming, and I ache for change.
This probably describes a lot of entrepreneurs out there.
And probably also appalls many non-entrepreneurs (who spend their lives searching for a situation where everything is so predictable and comfy that they can “relax” and stop fussnig with ambition).
My entire career arc looks like a chart of hiccups.
I get settled into some routine, or reach a certain goal… and then, pow!, it’s time to shake things up.
This explains why I’ve lived in so many different cities, why I’ve left lucrative business situations for unproven new ventures, and why we’re now causing upheaval over at my “main” website,
Back in the good old days (before the Web sped everything up), marketers could nurse vast fortunes out of a single product for half a lifetime.
(I once met the guy who imported the infamous Spud Gun — which fired pieces of potato at BB-gun force — from overseas, and sold it regularly in comic books for forty years. Never changed a word in the ad. I think the illustration even showed a kid in a beanie, ala early 1950s, which looked absurdly dated for decades. And yet, it sold at a predictable clip.)
(There’s a marketing lesson there, and also a product development lesson: Kids do not require cultural relevance to desire destructive toys. Not sure what to do with that insight, though…)
Now that we all live in Web World 2.0, however, the consumer hordes move past at an alarming pace.
And like caring for a chained monster in your cellar, you need fresh meat constantly just to keep things under control. (Don’t ask where that metaphor came from. I’ve been watching some bad horror movies lately…)
Thus, we are once again embracing change here at Marketing Rebel.
With gusto.
The new stuff about to be unveiled is exciting, stunningly unique… and I swear it will offer you the most fun you’ve ever experienced while honing your marketing chops to a dangerous sharpness.
There is some sadness, too.
Because, as always with the arrival of a new kid in town… the old status quo must leave the stage, and slink off as gracefully as possible into the sunset.
In this case, it’s the 3 killer packages now offered at
All of which are slated for the dustbin of history.
We’re retiring all three packages… and there are zero plans to ever make them available again. At any price.
Well, to make room for the new model, of course.
But also because… well, those packages were just too generous.
Especially the notorious “Bag of Tricks”… which included personal, private attention from me. My time is the most precious — and scarce — resource I have… as evidenced by the current consulting fees we charge for a single hour of attention. ($2,500 if you want both Stan and I focusing on your stuff.)
So here’s the story: Right now, we have this coming Friday inked in as the “bye bye” date for ceasing to offer the current 3 packages at
Soon after that date, we will introduce the steamy new material.
… until we do clear the stage…
… those 3 packages are still available.
We will honor all commitments, and deliver on all promises on those 3 packages. There will be no shortchanging on my watch.
But this is your last chance to take advantage of these overly-generous offers.
… buzz over to right now, and check out the soon-to-be-gone packages there.
I know many folks have been lusting for the “Bag of Tricks” for a long time, because I hear about it whenever I hang out at seminars and events.
Well, lust is one thing.
And action is another.
If you know, in your heart, that your ambitions and goals really do require the advice, tactics and specific tools included in those packages (which include personal attention)… then you need to get your butt in motion now.
While it’s all still available.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
However, availability after Friday… not so much.
Pitch over.
Stay frosty,
P.S. Oops — pitch re-engaged:
Almost forgot — if you have already purchased one of the smaller packages, you can upgrade to a larger package… and apply what you’ve already paid. That’s more than fair, and it’s an easy to get into the “Bag of Tricks”.
If you have already purchased one of the two smaller packages at, and wish to upgrade… please email my assistant Diane directly at this special address:
Be sure to write “Blog upgrade offer” in the subject line, so we know why you’re writing.
And in the email, give us your full name, which package you bought before (though, we can find out in our records, if you’ve forgotten), and which package you want to upgrade to. Diane will get right back to you, using the email address you sent your email from (so be sure to use one you check often).
We’ll take personal care of you, to make sure you get the best upgrade deal possible.
That’s it.
Remember — all 3 packages have a date with the hangman on Friday…
"11 Really Stupid Blunders You're Making With Your Biz & Career Right Now."
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Great to see a positive approach towards reinventing a business and moving forwards to new and exciting territory. Just wanted to drop in and say that my “insiders’ club” membership was easily one of the top investments I’ve made in my life, in terms of actual money I’ve been able to generate as a result of using what I learned from you, John. It’s been, what 4-5 years now?
Your training’s helped me make a healthy six figures on top of what I would’ve done (and that’s just in the last couple of years so far – more to come!), thanks to all the insights and techniques I learned from you — I appreciate the training. For anyone considering working with John who hasn’t yet so far… just read all the testimonials… they’re the real deal, as is John.
The ROI for me was immediate, dramatic, life-changing… and plus it’s fun learning from John, because he cuts through the bs and takes you where you need to be, salesmanship and word-wise…fast.
Highly recommended; my business approach is much more savvy, the pitches much more on-target, thanks to what I learned. And that’ll be worth seven figures in the years ahead. It works. Be sure to grab a membership with John, for those who haven’t already.
Unleashing the sales detective within, for massive profits –
Ken Ca|houn
I’ll just add my 2 cents to say that if you don’t have these programs then you are missing out big time. Nothing would persuade me to part with my copy of “Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets”. At the very least check out the “Cheap Date” package. Any serious copywriter would be INSANE not to have this (and ideally you’d have everything John has available). The prices are absurdly low.
Kevin Francis
[…] Ace copywriter John Carlton is about to withdraw all of his current copywriting programs from the market ahead of launching new versions (“Say Bye-Bye To The ‘Bag Of Tricks’”). […]
[…] Ace copywriter John Carlton is about to withdraw all of his current copywriting programs from the market ahead of launching new versions (“Say Bye-Bye To The ‘Bag Of Tricks’”). […]
[…] Ace copywriter John Carlton is about to withdraw all of his current copywriting programs from the market ahead of launching new versions (“Say Bye-Bye To The ‘Bag Of Tricks’”). […]