The Action Seminar – The last Action Seminar was a smashing success, and the model has been adopted by other seminar hosts because it rocks so much. The emphasis has always been on “action”… actually creating biz plans, writing real copy (with real copywriters in the room helping you), and answering the Big Damn Question on most marketers minds: What do I do next? (My favorite part was the surprise visit onstage by “E-Myth” author Michael Gerber, who just tore up the room with his unique take on moving past the BS and actually turning your entrepreneurial dreams into something you can take to the bank.) You can now get the much-sought-after DVDs, right here:
The next Action Seminar is being planned for Spring of 2014, so make sure you’re signed in here on the blog, and we’ll alert you early when tickets are finally available.
Last year, I was a guest expert at a special “$25k Meeting” in Los Angeles, where I hung out with the likes of Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Airlines), Gary Halbert’s son Bond, and a host of other notable marketers and legends. Joe Polish, who hosts the notorious “$25k masterminds”, has asked me to guest again at one of his upcoming events this year. I’ll let you know when and where as soon as we nail down plans.
In October, we hosted the Platinum Mastermind meeting in Redondo Beach (just outside of Los Angeles). This is the group I personally manage and host… so if you’re ready to get face-to-face feedback and advice from me (and a stunning group of other tuned-in professionals and entrepreneurs), check out this totally unique group and see if it isn’t exactly what you’ve been hoping for. Next meeting in 2014 will be in January, in San Francisco. (Past guests for this group include Joe Sugarman, Jay Abraham, Dean Jackson, Joe Polish, Rich Schefren and other “A List” celebrity entrepreneurs.)
You just missed seeing me deliver 3 complete sessions, alongside Dan Kennedy, at the GKIC Marketing Bootcamp in Nashville last November. Shame on you for missing that amazing event. Again — to stay on the “inside” of these special events and opportunities, sign up on the blog.
Last month, I spoke down in Las Vegas… alongside copywriting pal Jon Benson (creator of VSLx), Joe Polish and Joe Sugarman (genius marketer of “Blu-Blocker” sunglass fame)… while also hanging out with top writers like Kevin Rogers, Jimbo Curley, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero and Harlan Kilstein… you shoulda been there, and you would have a least HEARD about this once-in-a-lifetime event if you’d just signed up on my blog list. So go do that now, would ya? Thanks.
What you can still catch this year, if you hustle:
Again: In January 2014, the next quarterly Platinum Mastermind meeting will be held in San Francisco. To learn more about membership in my unique (and very exclusive) mastermind (personally hosted by Stan Dahl and myself), go to:
I’m appearing less often as a featured speaker this year, because I’m cutting back on traveling to concentrate on writing and private coaching. Just sayin’ — if you want to catch me live, this is the year to do it.
IMPORTANT: To stay up-to-date on all seminars, events, launches and other opportunities, be sure to sign in using the “Keep Informed” opt-in box on the main page of the blog.
I mean, why in the world would you NOT sign up on this blog? Years of free archives, plenty of current action (often with super-valuable prizes for entrepreneurs), and everything else that makes business fun as well as profitable.
So stop dinking around. Sign up in the “Keep Informed” box on the main page, top right.
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