How Not To Make Dumb-Ass Decisions Ever Again

Friday, 4:49pm
Reno, NV
See if you can guess what I am now?” (Bluto, “Animal House”)


Public service announcement here:

Do you have mostly-level-headed friends who always seem to make dumb-ass decisions?

Are — ahem — YOU one of these miscreants yourself? (Confession: I sure am. More often than I care to admit.)

Well, gather ’round.

I believe I’ve stumbled upon a solution.

Here it is: When you have an important decision to make…

… just ask yourself this simple question: “What would a smart person do?”

Then, go do that.

Do NOT (as so many of us somehow seem to do) ask “What would a blithering idiot do?”…

… and then go do that.

No, no, no.

This is your self-intervention moment.

Don’t be the blithering idiot.

Do be the smart person.

Sounds too simple and obvious to work, doesn’t it?

Stunningly, it works.

Pass it around.

Stay frosty,


P.S. One of the keys to good decision-making has always been knowing how things actually work in the real world of biz…

… and not trying to get by on the wimpy, delusion-filled nonsense most civilians think is how things get done.

Good place to find out which is which is right here

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"11 Really Stupid Blunders You're Making With Your Biz & Career Right Now."

  • Tom says:

    Seems like a very practical advice, John. Thanks!

  • Dan says:

    Such a simple concept, it probably works. You’re right – I should try that. 😉

  • Rick Harmon says:

    John – should probably break this down: go slowly. Maybe turn it into a two post with suspense.
    See you on our next (Zoom) call.

  • Erik says:

    Thank you, John! Gonna try to remember this next time I feel the need to “win” a discussion with my wife! Thanks for a great post.

  • so stupid says:

    yes, thank you, but what about the person who is so blindly blitheringly beyond stupid they forget to ask that question before they follow their ingrained stupidity? your advice could take decades of hard work and innumerable failures but without doubt worth the effort to live stupid-free; but then again, what if the person is so stupid they could not remotely conceive of what a smart person would do?

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